Quality Control

As a manufacturer of Class IIa Medical Devices we recognize the importance of maintaining a Quality Management System.

Quality Policy Statement:

Hunter Scientific Ltd is a specialist manufacturer and supplier of IVF equipment and consumables to UK and Overseas medical laboratories. We are a manufacturer and distributor of sterile Pasteur Pipettes for In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).

The continued success of our business strongly depends upon our ability to understand and meet our customers’ needs and to continuously improve the products and services we offer.

We recognise that the manufacture of medical devices carries the responsibility for ensuring that the product is safe, effective and reliable whilst meeting the requirements of national and international regulatory requirements, and we are committed to maintaining an effective quality management system that ensures these objectives are met.

Hunter Scientific Ltd’s quality management system further provides a framework for setting and reviewing these objectives and where appropriate establishing further objectives to demonstrate the effectiveness of the management systems.

The extent to which Hunter Scientific Ltd achieves these objectives depends on the extent to which we communicate with, train, develop and motivate our people to make quality an integral part of the company’s operations.

Allen Goddard

Regulatory & Compliance Manager

January 2025 

For details on IVF consumables, equipment or other products from Hunter Scientific please email sales@hunterscientific.com